What is Turnkey Packaging and What are the Benefits?

Turnkey PackagingCompetitive contract packaging, labeling, and fulfillment service industries are slowed by piecemeal production approaches, so providers offering comprehensive turnkey packaging solutions are best equipped to address the many unique packaging industry requirements.

To consistently manage project outcomes, meeting client needs precisely – every time, turnkey contract professionals oversee the entire packaging supply chain. By maintaining accountability throughout the process and taking ownership of each phase of the progression, turnkey providers tightly control each aspect of fulfillment.  There is no weak link, leading to fewer mistakes and ensuring efficiency at every level.

Comprehensive Solutions Manage Packaging Process From Start to Finish

When packaging services are outsourced, effective project managers guide each packaging effort from start to finish, beginning with a design consultation that dials in customer expectations and sets the stage for further planning. Forward-thinking design strategies lean on time-tested packaging methods, like clamshells and shrink-wrapped enclosures, but also include modern alternatives. Experienced contractors present design options utilizing cutting-edge technology, state-of-the-art materials, and industry-best production methods.

Every comprehensive packaging solution is custom-tailored to encompass the design specifications required for each product precisely and to promote unique marketing strategies set forth by clients.  Detailed analysis includes security, branding, and cost considerations, helping clients arrive at the best possible turnkey packaging approach. And quotations are provided quickly to keep pace with rapidly changing consumer environments.  Contract services include primary and secondary packaging for food packaging and non-food applications, as well as accommodations for both liquid and dry goods.

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Logistics Management Sets Providers Apart

Whenever possible, greater efficiency is built-in into the contract packaging process by sourcing materials and supplying support services locally. Utilizing local resources contributes to reliable, timely packaging and fulfillment and allows greater flexibility to accommodate changes in order size and distribution methods.  Logistical efficiency saves money by decreasing transportation costs and trims turnaround times for the shipment of packaged goods.
Supply Chain Logistics
Turnkey contract packaging solutions, offered by Assemblies Unlimited, serve projects of all sizes, from inception to product shipment — taking the unique parameters of each order into account.  Large and small-scale packaging efforts are undertaken with equal attention to detail, facilitating seamless project management solutions for manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of all sizes.

Turnkey Approach Facilitates Timeline Management

By linking each stage of production, contract packaging companies meet fabrication and assembly milestones consistently, ensuring reliable adherence to customer timelines.  Packaging, fulfillment, warehousing, and transportation are coordinated in unified efforts, serving client specifications and deadlines.

Services extended to each client vary according to particular requirements.  Flexible, experienced contract packaging providers have turnkey approaches in place, which can be fine-tuned for each product.  As the client needs evolve, contract packaging companies respond with branding opportunities, point-of-purchase sales support materials, and a variety of club and multi-packs made to suit diverse products.

Packaging Strategies Reflect Your Sales Goals

Whatever your packaging needs are, experienced contract professionals have strategies available to show your food items in their best retail light. Refining your mission statement helps guide your packaging decisions, starting with these preliminary concerns.


Quality and functionality are important packaging considerations, but a realistic budget governs each packaging project. The value of a product, its size, and shape, as well as the retail outlets in which it is to be sold, each influences the best packaging approach, but prudent planners also account for packaging costs upfront. In many cases, product packagers offer several viable packaging alternatives, enabling producers and wholesalers to weigh the cost benefits of each packaging style.


Once you and your packaging consultant have narrowed your approach to a couple of legitimate packaging alternatives, the next important step is to identify timelines for completing packaging projects. When deadlines are short, one form of packaging may outshine another for efficiency and availability.


The FDA regulates food packaging — foods must be produced and packaged according to various standards applied to particular food items. Packagers are held to the same standards as producers, so the proper certifications must be maintained by each facility packaging your products. Organic, kosher, SQF, NSF, GFSI, UNFI, Gluten-Free, and other food packaging certifications also help your product line stand out among competitors, so working with certified co-packagers ensures compliance, quality, and originality.

Packaging Specialists

Turnkey food packagers offer a variety of services capable of guiding your next product packaging project from start to finish. Selecting the right packaging partner ensures problem-free execution based on the industry-best packaging standards.

Development and Design

Positive branding is essential to success, so packagers utilize every available advantage to send your organization’s messages. Graphics, text, iconography, and proprietary logos and artwork are used to distinguish food brand identity, as well as unique packaging shapes, materials, and merchandising features.

Sourcing Materials

Each packaging project has unique requirements, so flexible sourcing of raw materials ensures the fastest possible turnaround and gives you access to cost-effective solutions based on local resources. Using competitive supplier networks, well-connected product packagers pass cost savings to food producers and processors, who benefit from regional supply chains.

Fulfillment and Delivery

Getting the job done correctly – the first time, meeting marketing deadlines, and keeping goods flowing through the supply and sales chain. Whether yours is a start-to-finish contract job or another form of fulfillment, successful primary and secondary packagers consistently satisfy delivery deadlines and furnish high-quality deliverables.

Additional Contract Services

Many contract packaging companies provide standard clamshell, blister, shrink-wrap, and skin packaging, but turnkey providers offer ancillary support in other areas too. Services like blending and formulation are available upon request and implemented with the highest levels of oversight and adherence to industry standards.

Health and beauty, food, and consumer household industries utilize contract packaging services like custom kit assembly and gift sets, which create added value and stimulate sales.  Logistical support, warehousing, and distribution services are also provided by turnkey packagers, according to client specifications and market demands.

Packaging standards evolve continually, reflecting shifting preferences and standards among consumers. To stay on the cutting edge, your packaging project requires attention from experienced product packagers committed to guiding your food packaging project from conception to completion. Turnkey providers use your specifications to manage fulfillment, ensuring successful packaging campaigns for your entire retail product line.

Do you have a product and need a turnkey packaging specialist? Simply request a quote on this page or give us a call, and one of our packaging experts will be in touch to discuss your requirements.

Posted in Contract Packaging | 1 Comment »

Discussion (1)

  1. Luke

    Good article. I’ve been working with turnkey and automation for years now – mostly filming the manufacturing process as a comms / sales tool to investors. Keep up the good work, Luke

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